If You Have Multiple Missing Teeth, Here's A Couple Ways Implants Can Help

19 November 2021
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Dental implants are quite popular, but it's reasonable to have questions before undergoing the procedure. After all, dental implants require inserting the implant into your gums, which makes it a bit more intense of a procedure than getting dentures, for example. However, if you're curious about how dental implants can help you out when you have multiple missing teeth, then here's a look at how they're utilized.

Implant-Supported Bridge

One way that dental implants are often used when there are multiple missing teeth is to use them as an anchor. Dental implants are extremely strong and use the same mechanisms to support themselves that real teeth do. Your jaw bone will grow around the implant, strengthening it and anchoring it in place. With a dental bridge, usually only a few dental implants are required.

Once the implants are in place and your jaw has finished growing new bone around them, your dentist will mount the bridge. The implants will act as its anchor, keeping it in place and preventing it from harming any remaining teeth that you may have. This is a great choice for people who are missing many teeth in a row. It also remains quite affordable, as there are fewer implants utilized.

Standalone Dental Implants

Alternatively, dental implants can be used on their own. This is where implants shine the brightest. Dental implants don't rely on other teeth to remain in place, and their crowns can be manufactured to perfectly match the color, shape, shade of any teeth you have left, or any other dental repairs/replacements you've had in the past.

Getting a full row of dental implants may take a bit longer because the body requires more time to fully incorporate them into your bones. However, once that's complete, dental implants are one of the longest-lasting and most durable of all the tooth replacements out there. They stay in place and don't need to be cleaned or taken out in any special way, making them a great choice. Of course, if you choose to get a bridge supported by implants now, you could always have the bridge removed and get additional implants in the future to fill in the gaps.

Regardless of how your dentist uses them, dental implants are a great way of fixing your smile and ensuring that it stays that way for years to come. Dental implants offer many other benefits as well, like improving your jaw strength and gum health, so talk to a dentist if you have further questions about how you might benefit.

For more information on dental implants, contact a dentist near you.