What To Do When A Dental Crown Is Loose

26 March 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Dental crowns can last for many years without any kind of maintenance, but they don't last forever. When a dental crown starts to become too old or damaged, it can become loose. If you think your dental crown is loose but it hasn't yet completely come off, here's what you need to do in order to protect yourself.

Contact A Dentist

First things first: you're going to need help from a dentist on this one. Dentists are the pros at fixing problems like these, and that dental crown isn't going to get any better on its own. So make a phone call to a dental office, like Four Corners Dental Group, and set up an appointment to have your crown repaired or replaced.

Avoid Hard, Sticky Food

Next, you're going to need to modify your diet somewhat while you wait for your crown to be cared for. Avoid anything that's hard, chewy, or sticky during this time. These foods could cause further damage to your crown or completely yank it off or dislodge it.

Pick Up Dental Adhesive

Third, consider seeking out dental adhesive from a grocery store or drugstore. They can typically be found in the dental aisle.

Dental adhesive is a temporary solution and isn't intended to replace visiting with a dentist to have your crowns officially fixed. However, dental adhesive can help to keep your crown in place in the short-term. To use it, dab a little around the edges of the crown and press down for however long the packaging states to. This should help to keep the crown in place until you can see the dentist.

Avoid Acidic Drinks

Last, try to avoid anything acidic for now. If your crown is loose, that likely means that it's not providing a tight seal over the damaged tooth underneath it anymore. Acidic beverages can cause some significant pain if they come in contact with the tender tooth pulp that's likely hidden by your crown. So for now, ditch the juices, sodas, and anything else containing fruit acids.

When it's time to visit the dentist, they'll go to work repairing your crown. If it's just loose, they'll likely be able to remove it, take the old adhesive off, and reattach it to your tooth. However, if the crown itself is damaged, it'll need to be removed and a temporary crown will be affixed to your tooth in its place. Your dentist will go to work ordering a new permanent crown for you and you'll come back to the office once it's ready to have it attached.