3 Major Benefits Of Dental Bridges

19 March 2020
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


A missing tooth can cause all sorts of problems, from an inability to chew to potential deterioration of the jaw. And of course, even ignoring aspects of dental health, a missing tooth can simply be the cause of a general lack of confidence. These reasons are just a few among many that people choose to get dental bridges, which replace a missing tooth with an artificial one, anchoring it with crowns on either side to appear as natural as possible. So if you are missing a tooth and are curious about the possible benefits of dental bridges, keep reading below to discover just three of the biggest ones.

Easier Eating

Pain or discomfort while eating is hardly something the average person can ignore. Especially if you are missing more than one tooth, you may find that the act of chewing has become substantially more difficult or ineffective. For those missing just one tooth, the annoyances may seem far more minor — bits of food, for example, getting stuck in the gap. That said, even this smaller problem holds the potential for more serious consequences down the line, with gum disease being the most notable. A dental bridge is a quick and easy solution that makes everyday tasks such as eating much easier.

More Natural Speaking

If you are somebody who has lost several teeth, it is likely you have noticed it having an impact on your ability to speak as well. Teeth play a larger role in speech than many people realize, with several phonemes depending on the tongue's position against the teeth to be accurately produced. This is especially noticeable if you have multiple missing teeth toward the front of your mouth. A dental bridge can fill in these sorts of gaps and allow you finally get rid of unnatural speech patterns that you may have developed in the past few months or years.

No Shifting Teeth

It's natural when missing a tooth to focus solely on the tooth that's missing. Unfortunately, few people turn their attention to the teeth surrounding the gap, which can shift out of place over time. This can cause a host of other dental health issues that cost more time and money to fix if left untreated. Dental bridges take care of this problem naturally, making sure that each tooth stays in its place, rather than shifting around unnecessarily. Though they may not be cheap, dental bridges are a wise investment for those looking to avoid further dental problems.